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We have been attending many festivals throughout the years, and in particular Syracuse PPD held at Long Branch park in Liverpool. We have always loved these sort of festivals, and wondered if there was anything of the kind for the people in the North Country of NY?


There has been nothing that we have found. So we said to each other, "Some one should put on a PPD or a festival like that for the people in the North Country".


My wife and I looked at each other and pretty much said at the same time......"Why not us?"


So we did.


We put together a fantastic Festival starting in the year 2014. Kripalu Yoga Center was the Host Sponsor of the event. We had 20+ vendors ranging from Psychic Readers, Healers, Information booths and all hand made Crafter/Vendors.


We held a Ceremony lead by Watertown's CUUPs group from the All Soul's Church, Gotham St, Watertown NY. 


We also had our own Handfasting Ceremony (Pagan Wedding) between James Wilson and Denessa Statler. Ceremony was officiated by Mary Hudson who is owner of The Fey Dragon, and the Pagan Chaplain at Syracuse University.


We were also entertained by Father/Son Duo "Arethusa" who hail from Utica/Rome Area. Playing a wonderful selection of styles from Victorian to Elizabethan music. 


Many of vendors and attendees dressed up in their own fairie costumes or Renaissance Style Clothing. Fun was had by all.


We hope to see you this year as we are aiming for even more vendors and entertainment.


Brightest Blessings




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FAE Fest - The Full Story

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