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Community, Diversity, and Education


Community is a cornerstone of society, and that is why everything that we do is to bring together those members of the community that are living more eclectic ways of life and to show those that do not understand these different paths that they are just as beautiful as more traditional paths.  


The mission to bring together the community also helps guests network and find businesses, entertainers, and educators that share their values and the values of their families. As well, it helps those entertainers, businesses and educators bring their goods and services to their target audiences, making those endeavors more fulfilling.


We live in a diverse world, with many different colors, religions, beliefs, and preferences. At the Faery and Earth Festival, we celebrate this diversity and individualism, and the ability to share what and who we are freely.  


In offering a wide array of workshops, that change each year, we share a different sort of education that is centered around an eclectic variety of paths. Education is all about opening doors and minds, and that is the whole purpose of workshops such as those that you will find at the Faery and Earth Festival! These are also a way to allow those that teach these workshops to share their knowledge. Education is all about sharing.

Giving Back

The Faery and Earth Festival is a yearly event that brings an eclectic mix of entertainment, workshops, and vendors together so that guests may peruse and enjoy. It's easy to say that we do this for fun, because we do, but there is more to this festival than that! 

Just as important as the celebration of diversity, the sharing of knowledge, and the values of community, giving back is an integral part of what we do. This is why we ask guests to bring a donation each year as a form of 'admission' to the festival. 


As of 2016, we have begun working along side the Feed Our Vets organization to make sure that veterans don't go hungry. All donations given as admission to the festival will henceforth be given to the Feed Our Vets organization, from 2016 on. This effort, and your donations, make the lives of those heroes all the better. It is the least that we could do for their selfless service and commitment to protect us all.

2015 Donations

Guests brought in enormous amounts of food, all to go to helping the feed Our Vets pantry in Watertown, New York.

For more information about the Feed Our Vets organization, please visit their website HERE!

2017 Donations

This year we hope to break our record and bring in 1000 pounds or more of food donations! Once the amounts have been weighed, we will post the totals here!

Our Mission Statement

What we do and why we do it...
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